History - Crime and Punishment - Early Modern - Reasons for the Bloody Code


1500 - 1700:

Reasons for the Bloody Code:

Crime Rate

  • When the Bloody Code was introduced, the crime rate was actually falling
  • It was rising in the 1500s but then falling from 1620, it was introduced in 1688
  • Instead it was based off of the perception of crime and the fear in society

Concerns about crime

  • Public perceptions and attitudes do not always reflect the reality
  • Even if the crime rate was falling there were many things making people believe it was rising
  • Pamphlets spread fear by exagerrating the horrible details of robberies, murders, vagabonds and witchcraft
  • Executions happened in public whihc publicised crime further
  • The final words of the execution victims were published for all to read
  • This told the public crime was out of control even if it wasn't



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