Group vs Individual Selection


Group Selection

  • Salmon migrate thousands of miles from the open ocean into a small stream where they spawn and die, killing themselves with exhaustion to ensure survival of the species.
  • Originally mentioned by Darwin 'Descent of Man'
  • Wynne-Edwards - Each group or species controls its rate of consumption. E.g. individuals restrict their birth-rate to prevent over-population.
  • Only those possessing population-regulating genes survive to reproduce

Does Group Selection occur?

  • Williams, Maynard-Smith & Dawkins indicated that most adaptive evolution occurs through individual selection.
  • Adaptive traits are selected as they benefit the survival/reproduction of indiviudals, not groups. 
  • 'Williams Revolution' - Discredited Group Selection

Individual Selection

  • Maynard-Smith (1964) - Groups don't go extinct fast eenough for group selection to be an important part of evolution. Go extinct faster.
  • If an individual behaves selfishly it will usually pass on more of its genes
  • Williams (1966) - Individuals are expected to behave so as to maximise their chances of reproduction.
  • Dawkins (1989) - Individuals are expected to behave selfishly

Evolutionary Stable Strategies

  • A strategy is not evolutionarily stable if it can be "invaded" by another strategy
  • E.g. Group Selection is


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