Gender and Achievement


Both sexes have raised their level of achievemnt - Girls have overtaken boys. 

GCSE (2013) the gender gap stood at about 10%.

At AS/A-Level, 46.8% of girls acheived A/B grades compared with 42.2% of boys. 

Impact of Feminism: The impact of feminsim has improved females rights and opportunities.

It has increased their expectations and self-esteem.

This has happened thus, the feminist movement Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act. There has also been a rise in women's employemnt.

Back in 1971, 53% of women were in employemnt compared with 67% in 2013.

Traditional Male jobs declined.

Some women are breaking through the 'glass ceiling' which describes the barrier women faced that kept them out of hgh-level professional and managerial jobs.

These changes have encouraged girls to see their future in temrs of paid work rather than housewives. Gretaer opportunities and better pay for women abd the role models that a successful carreer women offer, provide incentives for girls to gain better qualifications. 

These changes are reflected in media images and messages;

Angela McRobbie's 1994 study of 'Jackie' Magazine which emphasised the importance of marraige and not being 'left on the shelf' back in the 1970's. Compared to images of assertive, independent women being portrayed in the 1990's.

Sue Sharpe's 1974 alongside a follow-up study in 1994 shows a major shift in the wya girls see themselves and their future.

Changes in the family have affected girls' attitudes towards eductaion. More women need to take a breadwinner role and need well paid jobs and better qualifications. Smaller families, increase in female headed lone families. 

Increase in divorce may suggest that girls cannot rely on a husband to be their provider. 

O'Connor's (2006) study of 14-17 year olds found that marriage and children were not a major part of their life plans. 

Beck and Beck-Gernsheim…


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