GCSE Biology

  • Created by: Jack Best
  • Created on: 12-05-12 16:05

kingdom and main caracteristics;

anamalia - multi- cellular; hetertrophic feeders so no chlorophyll; no cell walls; complex cell structure; nucleas

Plantae - Multi - cellular; autotrophic feeders using chlorophyll; complex cell strcuture; nucleas

Fungi - Multi cellular; cell walls not made of cellulose; saprophitic feeders so no clorophyll; complex cell structure with nucleas.

Proctoctista - mostly unicellular (some may be); complex cell stucture with nucleas

Prokaryotoes - Unicelluar; simple cell structure with no nucleas.

Biology Notes and key words;

Species - They can reproduce fertile offspring with each other to produce fertile offspring that will also reproduce.

Genus - a group that contains species with similar characteristics

Kindom - the largest division of the classification of organisms.

Autotrophic - can produce their own food ( photosynthesis)

Heterotrophic - Getting food by eating other organisms

Saprophitic - getting food by digestign the tissues of other organisms, absoring it from outside the body.

Chordata - means they have a back bone, meaning all vertebrates belong in this group.

External Fertilisation - outside the body

internal fertilisation - Inside the body

Oviparous - offspring develpoed in eggs (birds)

Vivparious - Mother gives birth to live young (mammals)

Poikilotherms - Body temperatures vary to their sorroundings

hybrid - an organism that is the result in breeding together 2 different species, making it infertile

ring species - a ring of populations in which neighbouring populations can interbreed out the populations. At the 2 end of the chains, breeding cannot take place…


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