Forensic Psychology - Turning To Crime



1) Turning to Crime


  • Farrington - Longitudinal/Self-report - looking at offending behaviour from childhood to adulthood - 40% convicted of criminal offence, 7% chronic offenders, all before 21, more likely to have convicted parents, be high daring, have a young mother and a large family - use early intervention programmes to prevent
  • Sutherland - Theory of Differential Association - e.g. Criminal Behv is learned through interaction with others 
  • ^^ Lacourse (2003) - 715 children in 1984 - assessed at 6, 11 and 17 - pos correlation between peer associations and no. of violent crimes - stronger relationship with peer groups -> more likely to commit crime
  • Wikstrom and Tafel - 2000 Year 10 students in Peterborough (socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods) - 44.8% males and 30.6% females commit atleast crime in the year 2000 - 9.8% males and 3.8% females commit a serious crime e.g. robbery/burglary - maj commited crime to get money/whilst under influence, poverty within family was common factor - pos correlation, poorer -> more likely


  • Yochelson and Samenow - Longitudinal/Interviews (mega attrition - only 30 completed) - 255 males from mental hospitals - criminals are restless, lack…


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