Forensic Psychology


Defining and Measuring Crime

A crime is any act the violates the law and results in ounishment by the state. This would mean that 'crime' isn't behaviour that is wrong but behaviour that is said to be wrong by the law. It is also the case that not every violation of law counts as a crime. Some breaches of contract, for example, isn't punished by the state. 

Influence of culture-Criminal behaviour varies from country to country as different countires have different laws. An example of this is that in the UK it is illegal for a man to have more than one wife while in other countries it is allowed, also the leag drinking age is the UK is 18 while in the USA it is 21. This would prove that criminality changes based on the country. In addition, laws within a country can change over time- In the Uk homosexuality was illegal until…


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