Factors affecting eye witness testimony


Misleading Information by Loftus et al:

Aim: to investiagte whether people still went with their origianal thought even after being given incorrect information.

Procedure: Particpants were divided into two groups and each group were shown a set amount of slides about a car accident. Group 1 had a slides of a red car stopping at a give way sign. And group 2 had slides showing the same car but stopping at a stop sign. Then each group was asked 20 questions. But half of each group were asked a misleading question of did another car pass the red car that stopped at the give way sign? Then after a period of time each group was then asked to recall the order of the slides depending on their information.

Findings: 75% who had the consisent questions recalled the accident correctly compared to the 41% who had the misleading question. COncluding that when misleading information is given people question their memery and can be easliy influenced to change their opinion on extra given information.

Evavluation: Slides (lacked eclogical validity) but Loftus


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