Evaluation of Schaffer and Emerson's Stages of Attachment

  • Created by: evedaley
  • Created on: 22-02-18 12:55

- Conflicting evidence on mulitiple attachments:

Some research seems to indicate that most if not all babies form attachments to a single main carer before they become capable of developing multiple attachements (Bowlby 1969).

Other psychologists, in particular ones who work in those cultural contexts where muliple carers are the norm, believe babies form mulitple attachments from the begining (Van Ijzendoorn et al. 1993).

Such culturals are called collectivist, because families work together jointly in everthing - such as producing food and child rearing. 

- Measuring mulitple attachments

Just because a baby gets distressed when an individual leaves the room, does not…


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