ETHNICITY divisions in YOUTH


Cultural backgrounds have a strong influence on the subcultural activities and experiences of young people. However, some perspectives on youth cultures, such as the Functionalist approach, make two mistakes about youths: They say all young people are homogeneous, and that they ignore cultural diversity. Functionalists have been ciritised for being ethnocentric, meaning they are culturally biased, towards the dominant cultural groups. 

Hebdige claims there are more links between urban youth cultures and black fashion, music and dancing. Also British youth have been influenced by Caribean cultures like the impact of reggae music contributing to cultures like Rastafarians. Rasta's are examples of distinctive black style that evolved in part as a response to racism. The culture seemed to attract young black youths in the 1970s who felt oppressed and rejected by British society. Now, Rasta culture is widely enjoyed and the bands that make reggae music popular…


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