Ethical and Social Responsibility in the Aviation Industry


The current research paper presents a consistent discussion of the phenomena of social and ethical responsibility as a result of profound course of the investigation and in-depth analysis of the aforementioned issue. The course of investigation deals with the contemporary trends and controversial issues in the field of concern as well as focuses on such significant aspects as phenomenon of control and issue of security and responsibility of the employees from the aviation sector.

First, it is essential to define both key aspects of the current analysis course. The phenomenon of social responsibility is regarded as a significant and topical approach in terms of business performance that provides proper consideration of not only key concerns of profitability and efficiency of the corporate activity, but also of such issues as environmental and societal protection and relevance. The phenomenon of ethical responsibility deals with the scope of ethical considerations and priorities within the course of corporate performance.

Second, it is also important to underline the specific significance of the phenomenon of the aviation industry. Aviation is unique in two major ways: firstly it has a long history of government regulations, and secondly its primary focus is the safety of its passengers and crew. Hence, the analysis of the issues of social and ethical responsibility within the contemporary aviation industry is a multidimensional and miscellaneous process.

It is relevant to provide the detailed vision of the significant role the ethical and social responsibility plays within the aviation industry in the current course of time “Business is not divorced from the rest of society. Business and society are interdependent and we must ensure, through mutual understanding and responsible behavior that the role of business in building a better future is recognized and encouraged. It is apparent that any business performance appears to be hold according to certain regulations, standards and norms which are considered to be appropriate and suitable from a different perspective such as political, economic, cultural, social, ethical, financial, etc. Actually, proper and constructive correlation of the aforementioned perspectives and their practical alignment provide a high level of efficiency of the corporate performance in the aviation industry.

It is important to underline the fact that the aviation industry is very dynamic, especially in terms of the dramatic development of globalization process in the current course of time. Therefore, it is to respond to all the innovative strategies and up to date establishments as properly and timely as possible. Actually, the course of constant change and consistent improvement is regarded as an obligatory aspect of the efficient process of business performance in the aviation industry. The phenomenon of globalization predetermines numerous requirements and trends in the field of aviation. For instance, the amount of flights has considerably increased in the recent course of time as well as the perspectives for further development in the currently discussed field. There are three major determinants for such a dynamic development namely globalization process, significantly rapid growth in tourism and economic. Therefore, the ethical and socially relevant


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