English Lit. poems: themes



  • Digging
  • Death of a naturalist
  • Sonnet
  • Cold knap lake
  • A difficult birth, Easter 1998
  • The field Mouse
  • Patrolling Barnegat
  • At a potato digging
  • Storm on the island


  • Death of a naturalist
  • At a potato digging
  • The field mouse
  • Cold knap lake
  • On my first sonne
  • The affliction of Margaret

Parent/ child relationships

  • Digging
  • Catrin
  • Cold knap lake
  • On my first sonne
  • The affliction of Margaret


  • On my first sonne
  • Storm on the island
  • Death of a naturalist
  • At a potato digging
  • Catrin
  • A difficult birth, Easter 1998
  • The field mouse
  • Cold knap lake
  • The affliction of Margaret
  • Patrolling Barnegat

Attitudes to others

  • Death of a naturalist
  • Digging
  • Catrin
  • The affliction of Margaret
  • A difficult birth, Easter 1998
  • The field mouse
  • Cold knap lake
  • On my first sonne


  • Death


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