English Literature; How to pass


Make sure to talk about EVERYTHING in second question 

Macbeth: is brave in battle,is tempted by ambition,considers killing Duncan etc.

Lady Macbeth: is ambitious,manipulates her husband,is calculating etc.

  • Banquo is Macbeth's close friend and ally. He knows about the witches and their predictions but doesn't take them seriously at first. Later he thinks more about it, but he is never tempted in the way Macbeth is. However, he starts to realise how interested Macbeth is and then gets suspicious of him. Banquo is also presented as a very brave and completely loyal soldier - even when Macbeth tempts him Banquo makes it clear he wants to keep his 'allegiance clear' to the king.

  • Duncan is the king at the start of the play. He is presented as a strong ruler. For instance, when he finds out the first Thane of Cawdor is a traitor, he immediately executes him and puts Macbeth in his place. He is also perceptive, and knows that you can't always tell who is a traitor. He is respected by everyone. However, he…


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