Edexcel Topic 5 - diseases

  • Created by: Aamna.M
  • Created on: 19-04-18 10:22

Diseases + Illnesses

What constitutes as Good Health?

-          Hydration

-          Variety of food groups à balanced diet

-          Disease – free

-          Social wellbeing à having friends

-          Exercise

-          Moderation of unhealthy food

-          Hygiene à Dental, skincare

-          Smoke-free

-          Sleep

“It is more than feeling well; it is a state of complete physical, social, and mental wellbeing”

·       Physical: Free from disease, eating and sleeping well, getting regular activity, and limiting the intake of harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs

·       Social: How well you get on with people and also how your surroundings affect you

·       Mental: includes how you feel about yourself


A disease is a problem with the structure or process in the body that is not the result of injury

There are two types of diseases –

-          Communicable Disease:

·       Microorganisms that are called pathogens

·       Diseases caused by pathogens is a communicable as it can be passed on from a infected person to a non-infected person

·       E.g. the flu


-          Non communicable:

·       These are not passed on from person to person

·       They are caused by a problem in the body – such as a fault in the genes or a lifestyle choice

·       E.g. Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia

Risk factors

·       Risk factors are anything the increases the chance of developing a disease

·       Risk factors are correlational with the disease and not necessarily causal

·       Eg. Smoking is also a major risk factor for lung cancer


Deficiency diseases

Is when you (do or don’t)  take in too much of a particular nutrient and can lead to diseases such as obesity.


Pathogens and Infections

·       A pathogen is a disease-causing organism

Types of pathogens: -

o   Virus

o   Fungi

o   Virus

o   Bacteria

o   Protoctist


·       Some are harmful and/or useful

·       Whilst others are harmful -----------

·       You cannot take antibiotics for viruses


There are eight different ways diseases can spread:

·       Direct physical contact

-          Chicken pox

-          Athlete’s foot


·       Bodily fluids

-          AIDS

-          Tetanus


·       Mother to unborn baby

-          AIDS

-          Rubella


·       Air particles

-          TB

-          Common cold


·       Water

-          Cholera


·       Food

-          Salmonella


·       Vector  (insects)

-          Malaria


·       Shared Needles/ syringes

-          AIDS

-          Tetanus


Virus Life cycles

·       Antibiotics have no effect on viruses

·       They can’t reproduce on their own

·       They are not prokaryotic or eukaryotic

·       They have either DNA or RNA

·       Contain some form of a protein coat called a capsid they protect


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