Duck's phase model


Breakdown as a process

Duck (07) proposed a phase model of relationship breakdown. He argued that the ending of a relationship is not a one-off event but a process that takes time and goes through four distinct phases.


Each phase is characterised by a partner reaching a threshold where their perception of the relationship changes. The partner may reassess and decide the relationship isn't so bad, halting the process of breakdown. Or they cross the threshold and move on to the next stage of the model.


Threshold - 'I can't stand this anymore', indicating a determination that something has to change.

A partner becomes dissatisfied with the relationship in its current form. They then brood on the reasons for this and this will usually focus on their partner's shortcomings. The dissatisfied partner tends to keep this to themselves but may share their thoughts with a trusted friend, weighing up the pros and cons of continuing.


Threshold - 'I would be justified in withdrawing.'

Once a partner concludes that they are justified in ending the relationship they have to discuss this wioth their partner. Dissatisfaction about equity, commitment, etc. are aired. The phase may vary in length and in intensity of hostility and anxiety.


Threshold - the dissatisfied partner concludes, 'I mean it.'

Once a partner wants to end the relationship they willseek support particularly from joint friends. These friends may be encouraged to choose a side but others may try and prevent the break-up by acting as a go-between. Once the news is public though this is usually the point of no return.




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