laws and crimes throughout the Norman period.

  • Created by: Emily S-J
  • Created on: 28-10-16 14:30

Laws and crimes:

  • King William declared that, if someone was to murder a lord, someone of high power  that had joined him in his journey from normandy and or had stood by him, they would be hunted down by the people of the lords village within a set time period of which was normaly 5 days If the towns people were unable to complete the task within the time period the criminals lord or figure of power that had been instructed eould have to pay 46 maarks of silver so long as his money lasted. This debt however did not end with the lord, once the lord had become bank rupt and lost his wealth the fee fell to the towns people, untill the king saw that the money payed was a large enough sum. This has significant chnages for the peasents located in the area of the slaying. This is because as a result of act all workers that kept the lors land and in turn the land of the village saw a cut in the minimal pay. As a result of this the number of people dieying to starvation increased as  they did not have the money to purchase food.For the same reason, crime rates increased as people were stealing food in order to survive.. This situation was worsened if they faied to catch the culprit within 5 days because in turn there outtoings would increase also of which meaqnt any people that were  survinving on the minimal…


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