Couples - Domestic division of labour


Parsons: Instrumental + Expressive roles

  • Husband = Instrumental - financially + success at work - breadwinner
  • Wife = Expressive - primary socialisation of children + emotional needs - homemaker

Argues - division of labour = biological differences - women are for nuture/ men are for providing

Bott: Joint + segregated conjugal roles

  • Segregated conjugal roles = couple have separate roles - men are breadwinner/ women are homemaker - leisure time is separate
  • Joint conjugal roles = couple share tasks - leisure time is together

Young and Willmott: Symmetrical family

  • Symmetrical family = roles of wife + husband - similar 
  • Women also go to work + men also do housework - spend leisure time together
  • March of progress view - family more equal + democratic

For - Domestic roles are more equal 

Willmott + Young:

  • Women are going out to work + men are doing more domestic…


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