Domestic division of labour

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 05-01-13 18:34
What is the definition of domestic division of labour?
Gender roles that men and women play in relation to housework, child care and paid work
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What do functionalists say about domestic division?
Segregated conjugal roles are traditional in the nuclear family
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What are the two roles that Functionalists use?
Instrumental role and expressive role
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What is the Instrumental role mean?
Men go out to work and act as the financial breadwinner
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What is the Expressive role mean?
Women act as homemakers and carers
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What are the reasons for segregated conjugal roles in the nuclear family?
Parsons claims this division of labour is based on biological differences
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What is the example Parsons gives for division of labour for the biological differences?
Women (mothers) are biologically suited to caring for their children and men the provider
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What two criticisms are their for Parsons (functionalists) view?
Outdated view - men are becoming more involved in domestic tasks and women work, and Division of labour isn't natural (socially created)
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Who suggested the March of Progress view for the divison of labour?
Yound and Wilmott
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What did Young and Wilmott say about the division in labour?
The family is becoming more equal over time and improving for all members
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What is the term used by Young and Willmott to show how its becoming more equal?
Symmetrical (joint conjugal roles)
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Give an example of why the nuclear family is becoming more symmetrical?
Roles of men and women are shared, women work part of full time, and men participate in housework and childcare.
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What are the reasons for why the nuclear family is symmetrical?
New technology, greater affluence abd higher standard of living, and geographical mobility
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What do the Early Feminists say about division of labour?
Reject March of Progress view - Family realationships aren't equal. (NOT symmetrical)
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What did Oakley say about it NOT being symmetrical?
Only a small percent of husbands take part in housework (15%) and childcare (25%)
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What did Oakley also say about women working?
Low paid or an extension of their role
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What do Recent Feminists say about division of labour?
Remains patriarchal and theres a dual burden of women that do paid work (job) and unpaid work (housework)
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What do Recent Feminists call womens overall role type?
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What is a Triple-shift?
Paid work, domestic work, and emotional work
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What are the reasons for surrent gender inequality?
Gender scripts (social expectations), and Patriarchy
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What did Sullivan say for Recent empiricial evidence?
Trends towards symmetry
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What are the reasons for new symmetry?
Increase in the number of women working, and shifting social attitudes
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What did Silver and Schor say about the division of labour?
Housework has become less of a burden
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What is the reasons for a reduction in burden?
Commercialisation of housework products
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What criticism could you use for the reduction in burden of housework?
Poorer women cannot afford time saving products
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What is the overall evaluation for the division in labour views by sociological perspectives?
Social class (better paid work and education compared to not affording products for poorer families), and sexuality (more freedom from patriarchy in a lesbian couple)
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What elese could be a flaw to sociological perspectives of division in labour?
Time studies tell us little about the level of satisfaction of the housework and paid work
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do functionalists say about domestic division?


Segregated conjugal roles are traditional in the nuclear family

Card 3


What are the two roles that Functionalists use?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Instrumental role mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the Expressive role mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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