Conduction, convection and radiation



Is the process where vibrating particles pass on their extra kinetic energy to neighboring particles.

A solid is heated at one end and this heat energy is passed on from atom to atom. When particles are given energy they vibrate and cause others to vibrate and ths is passed on. This makes the solid become hot.

Some solids are good conductors of heat and some are bad. The good conductors have their atoms spaced close together and there are elections that can roam free bumping into other electrons on the way. These are called free electrons and allow the heat to be passed on quicker.

Poor conductors are called insulators.


This occurs when the more energetic particles move from the hotter region to the cooler region and take their heat energy with them.

A heater is used to heat the water or the air (in this case I am just going to use water.

This gives the particles evergy and enables them to move around. As they move they rise as the water becomes less dense (particles are spaced out).

As they rise they start to lose the energy and…


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