Computer systems

  • Created by: akv1234
  • Created on: 07-12-16 16:31

What is a computer system?

Computer systems include the computer along with any software or peripheral devices that are necessary for its proper functioning.

It will recieve inputs, process the data it recieves, then produce output.

Computer systems are every where and not just limited to the desktop computer. they are embedded in all electronnics with a circuit board and software to perform a task. The inputs may be automatically controlled by a triggered sensor or manually controlled by the user. The output may be to display and answer on the screen, start or stop a motor, etc...

Benefits of computer systems:
They are reliable, fast, and can perform multipl etasks. Do not need breaks and can work 24/7. can work in conditions hazardous to humans. Cheaper after initial setup as a salary is unnecessary.

disadvantages of using computer systems over people:
Expensive initial setup. May need to pay for expert to maintain it. Errors in initial programming can be reproduced with noone noticing. Cannot alter from original programming in case of unnexpected situation. Some tasks need a 'human touch' and computers don't have emotion.


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