Computer Science - All topics


CPU - Central Proccesing Unit - This is where most of the calculations take place, this is also known as the brain of the PC (Personal Computer). This can be refurred to Central Proccessor. 

Fetch-execute cycle - This is an insturucted cycle, this is the basic operational proccess of a computer. It is proccess by which a computer retrieves a  program instruction from its memory. Determains what actions the instructions dictates and carries out those actions.

Clock speed - Operating speed of a computer or its microproccessor, expressed in cycles per second (Megahertz)

Number of cores - A multi-core processor is a single compiting componet with two or more independent actual processing units (called "cores"), which are untis that read  and execute program instuctions.

Cache memoryan auxiliary memory from which high-speed retrieval is possible. (Auxiliary; The 




Says all topics but is really only topic 1



Only one topic but is still quite good for that topic. Maybe change the title.