

CHILDHOOD - is childhood a social construction?

Some people believe that childhood is a social construction (created by society)

Evidence - 

  • Britain has a different experience of childhood compared to other cultures/countries. 
  • it is a long and protected period compared to other cultures e.g. in places like Africa, children are expected to go to war/work from an early age. 
  • Childhood has changed over time: in preindustrial society there was no such thing as parental love, no childrens toys, books or clothes, children worked, went to war and abuse was acceptable. 
  • In the early industrial period children were still working but gradually children were taken out of work through a succession of Factory Acts put into education - 1870 Forster education act. 
  • As a consequence, childhood lengthened, children became more protected and recieved more parental love. 

In late modern society some people argue that childhood is again dissappearing due to exposure to crime, sex, drugs, ****, clothing, makeup (melanie phillips). Evaluation: Brooks - Cotton wool kids: this is when children are so overprotected by their parents that they have no resilience or ability to cope with obstacles or failure. Kids are being denied access to their natural environment, and are installed…


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