Chemistry topic 1 assesment

  • Created by: Makis12
  • Created on: 24-10-16 09:17

The three states of matter are: solid, ligiud and gas.

Solid: particles close together, regular pattern, vibrate on spot. Liquid: particles close together, random, move around each other. Gas: particles far apart, random arrangement, move quickly. (

Solids have a fixed shape and cannot flow because the particles cannot move from place to place. They also cannot be compressed or squashed because the particles are close together and have no space to move.

Liquids flow and take the shape of their container because the particles can move around each other. They also  cannot be compressed or squashed because the particles are close together and have no space to move.

Gases flow and completely fill their container because the particles can move quickly in all directions. They also can be compressed or squashed because the particles are…


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