Changing Places 2


All places have a unique character which is formed by their many different characteristics. These factors can be endogenous or exogenous:

  • Endogenous factors - the internal factors which a shape a place's character. These could be physical (e.g. location), or they could be human (e.g. land use).
  • Exogeous factors - the external factors which shape a place's character, including the relationship to other places and the flows in and out of a place, e.g. the flows of people.

Endogenous - physical:


  • Where a place is.
  • Places can be characterised by the features that are present because of their location.


  • The shape of the landscape.
  • Places can be characterised directly by their topography, e.g. in a valley, places would be characterised as flat.
  • It affects other factors that give places character, e.g. land use; flat places may be suitable for large-scale arable farming.

Physical geography:

  • The environmental features of a place.
  • Places can be characterised directly by their physical geography, e.g. a place could have igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, which form different landscapes.
  • It affects other factors that give places character, e.g. economic characteristics; a place that is rich in natural resources such as iron or coal may be characterised by the industries that can exist there, such as mining or smelting.

Endogenous - human:

Land use:

  • The human activities that occur on the land.
  • It's one of the most…


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