BY5.2 Human Reproduction System


Human Reproduction

  • gametes are produced in apired gands called gonads
  • male gametes (spermatazoa) are produced in the testes
  • female gametes (egg cells) are produced in the ovaries
  • the production of gametes is called gametogenesis

Male Reproductive System

  • consists of:
  • pair of testes contained in an external sac (scrotum)
  • the penis
  • several glands connecting the testes and penis with various accesory glands ot produce semen



  • each testes has thousands of seminiferous tubules that produce spermatozoa
  • seminiferous tubules contain cells (leydig) that produce testoserone in the spaces between one another
  • sperm produced are collected in the vas efferens and pass to the head of the epidiymis where they mature
  • they pass via the vas deferns to the urethra during ***********
  • before reaching the urethra, it connects with a duct leading from the seminal vesilces which forms the ejaculatory duct
  • seminal vesicle produces a mucus secretion that helps the mobility of the sperm
  • ejauclatory duct passes through the prostate gland which produces an alkaline secretion that neutralises that acidity of any urine left in the urethra which adds to the motility of the sperm as well


  • delivers spermatozoa into vagina during intercourse


  • makes testosterone
  • the primary sex hormone needed to…


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