Bonding 3.2.2 Part 1

  • Created by: akv1234
  • Created on: 18-11-16 18:36


Bonding - The structure of matter.

Properties of elements.

physical property is something about the appearance or state of the matter. A chage in this can be reversed easily.

physical properties

A chemical property is something about the chemistry of a material. A change of this kind can't be easily reversed.

Common chemical properties

Elements in the periodic table - arranged by proton number. Left-right - metalic character changes.

Image result for PERIODIC TABLE PARTS (

compounds - Made of different elements chemically bonded, so can only be seperated by chemical reactions.

Mixtures- elements not chemically bonded, so can be seperated by physical means like filtration, decanting, distillation, evaporation, crystallisation ans chromatography.

Alloys - made when two metals are molten then mixed, and allowed to cool and solidify. Have…


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