biopsychology localisation and lateralisation

  • Created by: Eth01
  • Created on: 05-06-24 22:22


this is where specific parts of the brain control certain processes 

the cerebal cortex is the outer surrounding layer of the brain it is divided into four lobes and two hemishpres the left and right connected at the middle by the bundles of fiberes called the corpus callosum 

sections of the brain that are localised 

  • brocas area this area is in the left side of the brain and controls language comprehension
  • wernikes area this is in the left side of the brain and controls speech production 
  • auditory loop the auditory loop is respoinsible for keeping audio information in the brain for problem solving it serves as another south of STM

areas of the brain that are lateralised 

  • visual cortex this deals with all visual information processing it and making snese of it 
  • motor cortex this deals with the body movement 
  • somatosensory cortex this dectects sensory information from the sense organs 

hemispheric lateralisation

this is where one of the hemispheress controls specific functions 

the sensory and motor areas are organised in a sympterical pattern across the brain and are split equally between the two hemispheres but this is not laterisation that is where the brain functions are controlled in only


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