Biology 1 - The Nervous System


The Nervous System

Sense organs detect stimuli

  • You have 5 different sense organs: eyes, ears, tongue, skin and nose.
  • They all contain different receptors. Receptors are a group of cells which are sensitive to a stimulus. They change stimulus energy to electrical impulses.
  • A stimulus can be light, sound, chemical, touch, pressure, pain, change of position or temperature. 

1) Eyes

  • Light receptors - sensitive to light. These cells have a nucleus, cytoplasm and a cell membrane like most animal cells.

2) Ear

  • Sound receptors - sensitive to sound. 
  • Balance receptors - sensitive to change in position.

3) Nose

  • Smell receptors - sensitive to chemical stimuli.





Thanks these are really great notes that are basic an quick to learn. Not too much information is included just the main points. thanxs.

Rhianna Donaldson


It's ok :)