Biological Treatments of Schizophrenia and Evaluation (7)

  • Created by: Laaauren
  • Created on: 06-01-17 16:37

Anti-psychotics – drugs which cause schizophrenic symptoms in healthy people.

Work as an antagonist – blocking neurotransmitter receptors = reduced dopamine.

Typical = dopamine, antagonist = reduce positive symptoms e.g. chlorpromazine – block D2 receptors to prevent binding.

Atypical = dopamine and serotonin (positive and negative symptoms)- antagonist and agonist – increase and decrease dopamine. Mesolimbic – bind to 5HT2A – reduce serotonin and block to increase dopamine. Also stimulate 5HT1A in pre-frontal cortex which reduces glutamate.


Supporting Evidence

Hartling - typical antipsychotics are good for postive symptoms and atypical are good for positive and negative symptoms

Contradicting Evidence

Guo - typical antipsychotics cause tardive dyskinesia.  Atypical cause agranulocystosis -


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