Billy Elliot Essay

  • Created by: rosieraby
  • Created on: 29-04-18 19:12

Billy Elliot Essay 


May 18th 2017, Liverpool Empire Theatre. 

Performance - powerful, heart warming, performed brilliantly.

Describing and evaluating acting skills of Anne-Jane Casey (Mrs Wilkinson) and Martin Walsh (Jackie Elliot).

Mrs Wilkinson: 

Harsh, emotionless, tough demeanour.

(Evidence) - shouts at dancing girls, rude to Billy.

In control of situations.

(Evidence) - presents confidence, hands on hips, straight perfect posture. 


Letter from Billy's mum.

Turning point. 

Sat apart, highlights Mrs W is not Billy's mother, hasn't shown motherly traits or love towards Billy, lets Billy and actual mother have space for loving moment.

Starts by teasing Billy about stupid items, I felt angry but scene creates humour and fun, shifts to emotinal heart warming when letter revealed.



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