“At the heart of tragic texts is a protagonist plagued by sheer pride” To what extent do you agree?


“At the heart of tragic texts is a protagonist plagued by sheer pride”


To what extent do you agree?



-          Boil down: Downfall is caused by pride or something else

-          Synonyms:

-          Pride: ego, honour, hubris, arrogance, vanity, self image, ignorance

-          Plagued: consumed, troubled, tormented




Willy Loman is prideful

-          He won't accept the job from Charley

-          He fails to see/ accept that he has been failing as a salesman for a while

-          His pride is passed on to his sons

-          He kills himself in order to help his children because of the American Dream

Willy Loman has a delusional belief in the American Dream

-          Uncle Ben and Dave Singleman are his icons despite the fact that their jobs will have not been as good as he thinks

-          Willy thinks that america awards people that are well liked

-          Diamonds are a symbol of material wealth from the joeys of the american dream

-          Willy's american dream is to be well liked and respected like dave singleman

The knights pride in the Belle Dame means that he doesn't accept responsibility that he has caused his own downfall

-          He is too trusting of the Belle Dame because he thinks his status as a Knight means that he can do what he likes

-          He thinks that he has power over her but he actually doesn’t

The knight is an unsuspecting victim of the Belle Dame who is supernatural

-          There are other victims

In the eve of st agnes Porphyro is prideful because despite the relationship being forbidden he still pursues Madeline

He also out of pride messes with a supernatural ritual

He is blinded by love



-          Overlaps:

-          Willy Loman’s


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