

Behaviourist approach

One assumption of the behaviourist approach is that our environment can shape our behaviour and personality, this is called environmental determinism. It states we are born a ‘blank slate’ with no inherent personality and it is our environment which creates and shapes our personality, therefore suggesting we have no free will.

Another assumption of the approach is that only observable and measurable behaviour is useful and should be used in experiments and research. Therefore, things such as thoughts and feelings are discounted in experiments as they are immeasurable and as such, seen as irrelevant.

Biological approach

One assumption of the biological approach is that behaviour can be explained through the role of neurons and neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters send signals around the body and can have an effect on our behaviour. For instance, the neurotransmitter dopamine has been proven to cause schizophrenia.

Another assumption of the approach is that behaviour can be explained through the


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