AS Biology - Cell Structure - Analyses of Cell Components


Magnification & Resolution

  • Magnification = how much bigger the image is than the specimen (the sample you're looking at). 
  • It is calculated using the formula:
    Magnification = length of image/length of specimen
    Example: 5mm wide magnified image and 0.05mm specimen; the magnification is: 5 / 0.05 X 100 
  • Resolution = how detailed the image is. More specifically it's how well a microscope distinguishes between two points that are close together.
  • If a microscope lens can't separate two items, then increasing magnification won't help.

Main microscope types

There are 2 main microscope types:
1) Light microscopes

  •  they use light
  • have a lower resolution than electron microscopes

2) Electron microscopes

  • use electrons instead of light to form an image
  • have a higher resolution than light microscopes so give a more detailed image

Electron microscopes - 'Scanning' or 'Transmission'

Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEMs)

  • Use electromagnets to focus on…


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