Arguments For The Existence Of God


Based on Proof (reason):

The Ontological Argument

Def: A type of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being

  • A priori - before experience
  • Term God is analytically understood to contain 'existence' 
  • These can be synthesised 

St. Anselm's First argument (Platonist):

  • " a being than which none greater can be thought"
  • Distinction between things that exist only in the mind (in intellectu) and in reality (in re)
  • In reality is greater than the mind
  • If God in mind only, contradiction is found
  • This is impossible = "none greater can be thought"
  • Therefore, God must exist in intellectu and in re

Guanilo's Reply/Rejection

  • Cannot define something into existence
  • God is the greatest ACTUAL being (only God has all perfections)
  • Parallel to lost perfect island

St. Anselms 2nd Argument:

  • Rejection of Guanilo's reply
  • Island cannot be paralleled as Anselm claims God is the greatest POSSIBLE being, not the greatest ACTUAL and this argument only applies to God.
  • Distinguishes between two types of existence: contingent and necessary
  • Contingent: dependent upon a priori cause for existence
  • Necessary: uncaused/dependent upon self
  • "God is a being than which none greater can be thought"
  • If God exists contingently, then it is possible to think of a greater being (a necessary existing being)
  • This is impossible as "none greater can be thought"
  • Therefore, God must posses necessary existence
  • Non-existence of God is then inconceivable

Aquinas (Aristotleian):

  • No agreed definition of God
  • We can reason to God
  • Any argument must start from existence
  • A real understanding of God's nature is impossible
  • He holds that IF we know his nature (as God does), we would know his nature must inc. existence, but we must treat it as synthetic as we do not know. 
  • Anselms concept is a tautology.

Descartes' version:

  • God is a being of supreme perfection
  • Existence is a perfection and a defining attribute (predicate)
  • Existence is a necessary part of supreme perfection
  • A triangle must have 3 internal angles totalling 180 degrees/mountain must have a valley
  • God must exist to be God. (No prior cause, God just 'is')

Kant states:

  • Argument makes an illegitimate leap
  • No clear idea of a 'necessary being'
  • Necessity applies to propositions, not reality
  • What is logically possible may not be ontologically possible
  • Existence is not a predicate
  • The concept does not change. Existence does not add any characteristics


 - No such thing as necessary existence

- Existence is not a perfection


Arguments for the probability of God's existence:

The Cosmological Argument 

- Seeks to provide an answer to the question "why is there something rather than nothing?"

- Swimburne - "why is there a universe at all?"

- Seeks to establish the probability of God being the most likely (for the Universe) than not, it is NOT PROOF!

Aristotle suggests:

1. All things that are in motion must be moved by something

2. That mover which is ultimately for moving another thing must be responsible for its own motion

3. That which moves itself cannot be completely in motion. Must…


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