AQA A2 LIT B GOTHIC Important Critical Quotes for Frankenstein, Wuthering Heights, Macbeth


Gothic Critical Quotes


Croker “gratuitously harasses the heart and wantonly adds to the stores, already too great, of painful sensations”

Edinburgh magazine “bordering too closely on impiety” [religious reading, power of the unknown, supernatural]

Percy Shelley “treat a person ill, and he will become wicked” [monster]

Schiller compares society to the creation of the monster, that society is an “ingenious mechanism” made from “piecing together of innumerable but lifeless parts”

Levine on the concept of the self “he is destroyed not by some metaphysical agency, some supernatural invention… but by his own nature and the consequences of living in or rejecting human community”

Levine “what Frankenstein’s ambition costs him is the family connection which makes life humanely possible”

Mellor “implicit goal of creating a society


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