Animal Farm Chapter 5 Summary

  • Created by: TBako
  • Created on: 13-08-20 15:00

In this chapter sugar represents the luxuries of life, Mollie doesn't want to live without. Food is a neccessity, but sugar is a luxury. The fact that she hides it shows that she is unwilling to share (contextually Mollie represents the middle class Russians who had everything to lose in the change to communism). Mollie then runs away from the farm so that she can continue to enjoy the same lifestyle (contextually, many middle class Russians fled Russia and went to live in xile so they could continue their lifestyle).

We are told that Snowball and Napoleon "disgreed at every point where disagreement was possible"

  • Snowball was brilliant speaker (Trotsky was a great charismatic speaker). Snowball studies to make sure that his decisions are well informed. Snowball plans a windmill to supply power in order to mprove the animal's lives. He is hardworking and enthusiastic.
  • Napoleon is not as good as a speaker but works ebhind the scenes to get support (like Stalin). He manages to et the support of the unthinking sheep. He makes no plans and is critical of Snowball's plan especially the plans for the windmill

It is evident that Napoleon has carefully planned the…


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