Business Studies Unit 3 topic 3


Strategic & Tactical Decisions 

Investment Appraisal - or capital budgeting is the process of evaluating whether or not to invest in a project.

Investment - expenditure on capital goods; business invest in short term hoping it will increase profits in long term; invest whenever they buy fixed assets.


  1. Payback method
  2. Average rate of Return (A.R.R)
  3. Net Present Value (N.P.V)

1. Payback Method time taken for project to recover initial cash invested; for companies focused on liquidity 


  • Easy to calculate and understand
  • Puts emphasis on liquidity - key element to healthy capital 
  • Investment risk is increased id payback is longer due to future uncertainty; gives priority to shorter payback period to reduce risks


  • Ignores cash generated after payback; may reject highly profitable projects
  • Doesn't account for time value of money; interest rate
  • Unable to give a decision for projects with the same payback period 

2. Average Rate of Return - compares profit/average annual return of an investment with the cost of investment

ARR = average annual returns profits ÷  initial cost of investment  x100


  • Provides easy way to rank competing projects judging by their rate of return
  • Possible to measure profitability of a project


  • Doesn't account for time value of money
  • Doesn't consider time for recovery of initial investment 

3.) Net Present Value - accept projects with positive NPV; reject projects with negative NPV

NPV = sum of present value — initial cost


  • Takes in account time value of money
  • Takes into account all the cash flows over the life of investment


  • Cash flows used in the calculations are mere estimates
  • NPV’s cannot be compared where capital costs of projects are different

Decision Trees -  a technique of making decisions in conditions of uncertainty 


  • Highlights decisions and every factor affecting it
  • Forces management to consider every risk involved in decision making


  • There is a time lag between making the decision and collecting information about the project
  • Ignores qualitative aspects
  • Data are mere estimates

Contribution - difference between selling price & various costs 

Critical Path Analysis (CPA) - project management tool that helps to manage the flow of activities and resources in a project to make sure it’s completed on time.

  • Earliest Starting time (EST) - earliest starting time activity van be started without delaying a project
  • Latest Finish time (LFT) - latest time an activity can be finished without delaying project completion 
  • Float - amount of time an activity can be delayed by without delaying a project


  • Plans a project in advance & shows what resources will need to be used and at what time
  • Helps to identify critical and non-critical activities to ensure the project is completed on time 
  • CPA ensures number and efficient use of resources
  • Facilitates taking of correctional actions if performance falls before schedule 


  • Highly depends on accuracy of the information used
  • Requires time and costly expertise

Business Contingency planning - a back up to the original plan


  • Minimises the effects of unforeseen risks by


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