Ainsworth et al (1978) The Strange Situation


Stages of The Strange Situation – each stage is 3 minutes long

1.       Parent and infant play

2.       Parent sits whilst infant plays

3.       Stranger enters and talks to parent

4.       Parent leaves, infant is playing, stranger offers comfort if necessary

5.       Parent returns and greets infant, offers comfort if needed and stranger leaves

6.       Parent leaves and infant is alone

7.       Stranger enters and offers comfort

8.       Parent returns and offers comfort and stranger leaves


Secure Attachment – Type B

Insecure-Resistant – Type A

Insecure-Avoidant – Type C

Separation Anxiety

(Stages 4+6)

Distressed when mother leaves

Intense distress when mother leaves

No sign of distress when mother leaves

Stanger Anxiety

(Stages 3+7) 

Avoidant of stranger when alone but friendly if mother present

Avoids and shows fear of stranger

Infant is okay with the stranger and plays with her normally

Reunion Behaviour

(Stages 5+8)



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