Additional chemistry


Ions are electronically charged  particles that form when atoms lose or gain electrons.

Metal atoms for positive ions-these lose electrons.

Nonmetal atoms form negative ions-these gain electrons.

The strong electrostatic forces between the oppositely charged ions are called ionic bonds.

Group 1 in the periodic table-alkali metals. They form ionic compounds when reacted with non metals.

Group 7-halogens. They form ionic compounds when reacted with metals.

Ionic compunds have high melting points. They create a lattice structure that requires a large amount of heat energy to break the forces of attraction.

They conduct electricity when dissolved or molten. The ions become free t move so can carry a current.

They are soluble in water.

They can form crystals.

Covalent substances are made from non metals. It invlolves the sharing of electrons.

Simple covalent substances do not conduct electricity. They have a low boiling point because not much energy is needed to break the weak forces of attraction. No covalent bonds are broke though.

Nanoparticles are tiny particles made up of a few hundred atoms. Nanoscience is the study of this. Nanoparticles join together to make nanotubes. They can be used to develop a new type of computer and very strong but light building materials.They are the strongest and stiffest material ever discovered and are used to make tennis racquets.

Titanium dioxide in bulk property: A white solid which can be used in house paint. 

In nanoparticles: Transparent, (does not reflect visble light).

Carbon in bulk property: Soft and slippery.

In nanoparticles: Very strong and very light.

Fullerenes are a type of carbon based on hexagonal rings of carbon atoms. They are used to deliever drugs through the body because the space inside them is big enough for the atoms to fit inside. They are also easily absorbed.

Properties of metals:

-Thermal conductor.


-Electrical conductor.

-High melting point.


-Sonorous. (capable of producing a deep, ringing sound).



When metal atoms react they lose electrons andbecome positive ions. This creates a sea of negative, delocalised electrons.


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