Access to Justice


What is Access to Justice?

Access to Justice means that the advice necessary to obtain legal redress should be available to all and not be exclusive in any section of society. It means being treated fairly according to the law. It is the ability for everyone to obtain legal advice.

Wilson et al - 'Rights are only of use if an individual is aware of those rights and has the resources to enforce them'

Legal aid enures that a person's access to justice doesn't depend on their ability to pay and that those who need access to courts settle their disputes are assured of that right. 

Legal Aid Reforms include:

  • Cutting funding for Legal Aid
  • Cutting fees barristers and solicitors can charge for legal aid work
  • Tightening eligibility requirements to receive legal aid
  • Removing right for defendants to choose their solicitor/barrister in criminal cases
  • Reducing the scope of legal aid e.g. domestic violence & family law cases restricted

Forms of Legal Aid provided:

Legal Aid Agency - administers legal aid. According to the LAA, they help more than 2 million people a year.

Civil Legal Advice Service - Legal aid for civil cases. E.g. benefit appeals, debt, housing, discrimination issues, child care

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - Charity enabling public to receive free legal advice on most areas of law. Law students can volunteer at some centre. According to CAB, during…


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