A2 Philosophy: Near Death Experiences

  • Created by: Laura
  • Created on: 25-10-13 16:28


When do they happen?

·         NDEs can happen between the time the heart stops, to loss of brain hemisphere function.

Distinct Features-

·         Dr Raymond Moody noted that NDEs are similar and there are many common examples. The most common feature is the feeling of being drawn down a tunnel of light.

·         Not all NDE experiences share the same features; other examples- according to Greyson’s Scale- are extrasensory perception, a sense of deceased or religious figures, or a sense of joy. Greyson’s Scale (1983) shows that to classify a NDE, there must be a minimum score of 7 out 32 experiences.

Who has them?

 ·         Kenneth Ring specified that suicide survivors tend to experience the initial peaceful stages but illness patients tend to enter the light and tunnel phases. This could be because suicide victims are hoping to find peace that couldn’t be found on earth, and illness victims may have accepted their fate and are ready to die.

·         People who have experienced trauma/abuse are most likely to have a NDE as people induce experiences to disassociate from the painful reality and to embrace feelings of safety.

·         Children have also reported having NDEs. This can increase NDE validity as the children use their own vocabulary to describe the event, instead of someone having put words into his mouth.

·         Therefore, there are common distinctive features depending on cause of “death”.

Are NDEs proof for life after death? OR Can NDEs be used as evidence of survival after death?

+        There are clear accounts that differ from dreams. Dr Fenwick found 14% to have NDEs when under the influence of drugs. Therefore, it shows they are not dreaming and




helpful and easy to understand

thanks x