Words I don't know

  • Created by: Hannahg08
  • Created on: 20-03-15 10:15

Words i don't know

Forwards vertical integration - When a firm mergers/takes over an outlet that will stock your product.

Conglomerate Integration - Merging/taking over a firm that has no common interest.

Porters five force's - Allows a company to asses its position in a given industry. 

Gross profit = Revenue - Cost of good sold. 

Net profit =Gross profit - exspenses (overheads).

Cost of sales - Direct costs involved in the making of the goods.

Current liabilities - Money owed by the business that has to be paid with in a year.

Gearing - Looks at the extent to which the business is dependent on borrowed money.

HR Services - Manage recruitment, assessment, monitoring performence and training.

Sustainability - Making responsible decisions that will reduce your business (negative impact on the enviorment).

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Words i don't know

Forwards vertical integration - When a firm mergers/takes over an outlet that will stock your product.

Conglomerate Integration - Merging/taking over a firm that has no common interest.

Porter's five forces - Allows a company to asses its position in a given industry. 

Gross profit = Revenue - Cost of good sold. 

Net profit =Gross profit - exspenses (overheads).

Cost of sales - Direct costs involved in the making of the goods.

Current liabilities - Money owed by the business that has to be paid with in a year.

Gearing - Looks at the extent to which the business is dependent on borrowed money.

HR Services - Manage recruitment, assessment, monitoring performence and training.

Sustainability - Making responsible decisions that will reduce your business (negative impact on the enviorment).

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