Wife of Bath vs The Rivals Quote Revision



"Experience, though noon auctoritee...me to speke of the wo that is in marriage"

"Oxen been assayed...Wyves been noon assay til they be wedded"

"Sith I twelve yeer...housbondes at chirche doore I have had fyve"

"Yaf me the bridel, to have the governance of hous and lond, and his tonge"

"My love? Nay, my dampnacioun!"

"I wish they were at once harnessed together in holy matrimony"

"The fortune is saddled with a wife...If you have the estate, you must take the livestock on it "

"My lady and wyf so deere, I putte me in youre wise governance"

"As wormes shende a tree...a wyf destroyeth hir housbonde"

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"Commend me to a mask of silliness, and a pair of sharp eyes for my own benefit beneath it"

"A little less simplicity, and a grain or two more sincerity"

"Half so boldly kan no man, swere and lyen as a wommen kan"

"A concealed skuking rival"

"And al was fals!"

"Old barrel ful of lyes"

"The peyne I did hym, and the wo, ful giltelees"

"He smoot me...I lay as if I wir deed"

"Would you have me tell a lie?"

"No, I shall keep it from her a while longer"

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"deceit, wepyng, spynning God hath yive to wommen kyndely"

"I wol use myn instrument as freley as my Makere hath it sent"

"Conseillying is no commandement, he putte it in oure owne juggement"

"Who peyntede the leon? By God, if womman hadde writen stories, as clerkes han"

"I have no wish for a daughter of mine to be a progeny of learning"

"If I had a thousand daughters, I would as soon have them taught the black arts as their alphabet!"

"This is the natural consequence of teaching girls to read!"

"The evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge...those who fondle the leaves will long for the fruit at last"

"Misspell and mispronounce words as shamefully as girls usually do"

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"I nyl envye no virginitee...lat us wyves hoten barely-breed...oure Lorde Jhesu refresshed many a man"

"How pitousley a-nighte I mayde him swynke"

"I hadde the beste quoniam"

"I have the powere durynge al my life, over his propre body"

"He shall be bothe my dettour and my thral"

"If she be foul...as a spanyel on hym lepe"

"love breathing seventeen!"

"Have you behaved disrespectfully to my niece?"

"Too lively Jack! The blood of the Absolutes was always impatient!"

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"What, and lose two thirds of her fortune?"

"If I did not want money, I would steal the mistress and her fortune"

"Her lapdog eats out of gold...pay off the national debt easy as I could pay my washerwoman"

"Glad poverte is an honeste thyng"

"The povre man, whan he goth by the weye, before the theves he may synge and pleye"

"Exile never should be splendid"

"Myself made a mere Smithfield bargain at last"

"'How poore he was...to hym yaf I al the lond and fee"

"Of thyne auncestres for hire heigh bountee...thy gentillesse cometh fro God allone"

"The hye God...in poverte chese to live his lyfe"

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A03 Critical Quotes- The Rivals

"The Rivals is the corruption of reasonable attitudes"- Fiskin

"Cliches of traditional melodrama turned on their heads" -O'Toole

"Sheridan criticises ideas by promoting them in a preposterous manner"-Stern

"Jack enjoys a double identity as it increases his control over others "- Maybank

"Only self-inflicted caprice in each pair obstructs social harmony"- Maybank

"It is Jack's inventiveness that establishes him at the heart of the play"- Ericsson

"The intrigues of love in high society, the importance of status, inheritance and income are all referenced"- Maybank

"Elegant comedy of manners"- O'Toole

"The value of money becomes a salient theme, surpassing love"-Ahmed

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A03 Critical Quotes- The Rivals continued


"Lydia's books illustrate what she is meant to be- pious- and what she is- sexual and fashionable"

"Structured around private interior feminine or masculine spaces, cued by gossip or news in a preceding scene"

"Lydia mounts a vigorous defence of her right to marry who she pleases"

"Faulkland's obsessions grown in comic amplification throughout scenes. He is presented as a self tomentror, his jealousy arising from insecurity"

"Acres' literalism with language makes him a comic counterpart to Mrs Malaprop, his referential oaths betraying his vain attempt to distinguish himself in fashionable society"

"Sexual innuendos and references are of the mildest kind"

"Lucy embodies the calculated fostering of two traits-simplicity and guile, suggested by her outbursts of O Gemini"

"The play's imagery takes money as its metaphor, connecting it to intangibles such as love and reptuation, pointing to tension between human and commercial values"

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A03 Critical Quotes- WOB

"Argues in favour of the deceit and deviousness that wives will execute"- Ching

"The Wife's only true power is her sexuality"- Smith

"The Wife argues against tradtional doctrine and against authority as a whole"- Joyner

"Her readiness to admit to sin and delight in it is central to her humourous nature"- Croft

""Her intention lies beneath sarcasm and a purposefully derogatory invective"- Blake

"In the unending war of the sexes, the Wife refuses to accept the subordinate position"-Mann

"Chaucer has belnded the acutest raillery with the most insinuating humour"-Cooper

"We centre our attention on the dangerous male, while the woman fades into the background"- Hansen

"Disguise is microcosmically represented in the tale to exploit the large-scale falsity of nobility in the 1300s"-Mann

"The Wife is both intelligent and morally corrupt"- Alkly

"She chooses to use the patriarchal system of religion to her own benefit, but her botched interpretations of the Bible make her appear foolish rather than educated"- Smith

"The reader experiences the violent rage of a woman who refuses to be treated as goods"- Martin

"Money, sex and marriage are all interlinked and none can exist without the other"- Smith

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This has helped me a lot, thanks! 

Manon Burbidge


No problem! :)

Beth Hunter


I tried searching for the critics online, where did you find them?

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