Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) GRAVE


Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) GRAVE

G: Large samples of almost 2000 babies were put in place. This increases internal validity as it reduces the impact of anomalous results. Increased internal validity. Confounding variables would be counterbalanced by mass number participants. :)

R: Low reliability - Method of assessment is biased. The anglo american theories and assessment can’t be applied to other cultures. The application of other cultures is known as imposed etic. :(

V: Low validity - Sample was unrepresentative of culture. Instead the comparison was done between countries. Van IJ found that the distribution of attachment types in tokyo were similar to the western studies. Whereas a more rural sample had an over representation of insecure resistant individuals. There are often subcultures. :(

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