Unit 9 Revision


15 Types of Barriers to Acheving a Healthy Lifesty

1. Genetic Factors 2. Time Limitations

3. Current Physical Condition 4. Unrealistic Goals

5. Motivation to change 6. Influence of partners and family

7. Peer group pressure 8. Media influence

9. Self-esteem levels 10. Time available

11. Lack of understanding and education

12. addiction

13. Finanical bariiers

14. Availability of negative lifestyle choices

15. Lack of access to resorces and support

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Aerobatic cardiovasular excersize




and any other excerisise that raises the heart rate for a prolonged period of time.

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Alcohol Dependence

People chronically crave alcohol

have a loss of control of their drinking

withdrawal symptoms when they are not drinking

and an increased tolerance of alcohol so that they have to drink more on order to acheve the same effect. it can result in the persons dealth.

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Eight areas of potential improvements in health an

1. Exercise

2. Home/Work Enviroment

3. Alcohol Consumption

4. Smoking

5. Recreational drug use

6. Sexual practises

7. Personal hygiene 

8. Diet

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5 benefits of giving up smoking

1. blood pressure returns to normal

2. breathing is improved

3. improved sence of smell and taste

4. saving money

5. risk of smoking-related diseases is reduced

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5 physical aspects of health and wellbeing

1. disease and illness

2. weight gain/loss

3. increased body fat composition

4. short-term health problems - stress, tenser muscles and diarrhoea  

5. long-term health problems - high blood pressure, nervous breakdowns and cancer from smoking

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5 physical effects of an unheathy lifestyle

1. disease and illness

2. weight gain/loss

3. increased body fat composition

4. short-term health problems - stress, tenser muscles and diarrhoea

5. long-term health problems - high blood pressure, nervous breakdowns and cancer form smoking

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5 ways sleep effect your health and wellbeing

  • the person's physical energy
  • the person's weight
  • intellectual balance
  • emotional balance
  • ability to mix socially
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4 types of informal support

  • friends
  • partners
  • work colleagues
  • family
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4 types of STI

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Herpes
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how much sleep?

Babies - 16 - 17 Hours

Children and young people - 9 - 10 hours

Healthy Adults - 7.5 - 9

Elderly - 7.5 to 8 hours

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7 emotional effects of an unhealthy lifestyle

1- Lack of confidence

2- General feelings of unhappiness and worthlessness

3- Low self-esteem

4- Negative self-imag

5-Feelings of stress and anxiety

6- Difficulties in developing and maintaining relationships with others

7- Psychological dependence- an emotional need for a drug or substance or activity

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The 7 essential parts of a healthy diet

1- Fats (saturated and unsaturated)

2- Carbohydrates (sugars and starches)

3- Proteins

4- Vitamins

5- Minerals

6- Fibre

7- Water

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6 risks associated with excessive alcohol consumpt

1- Cancer

2- Weight gain

3- Dependence on others

4- Impaired judgement leading to accidents

5- Mental health issues

6- Liver disease

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6 social effects of an unhealthy lifestyle

1- Loss of friends

2- Increased pressure on existing friendship groups

3- Negative impact on family relationships

4- Decreased levels of involvement in social activities

5- Social isolation

6- Increased potential for acidents, injury or criminal record

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The 10 effects of adequate financial resources on

1- Pay for heating

2- Travel to community and health facilities

3- Access to computers

4- Good diet

5- Afford nice clothes

6- Socialise with friends

7- Leisure activites

8- Pay rent or mortgage

9- Less stress

10- Afford a holiday

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10 emotional aspects of health and wellbeing

1- Greater levels of happiness 2- Improved mood

3-Improved self-confidence

4- Positive self-image

5-Developing and maintaining close intimate and sexual


6- Increased emotional resilience

7-Improved motivational levels

8- Reduced stress

9- Improved self-esteem

10- Good mental health

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10 factors that influence lifestyle choices

1- Partners and family

2-Culture and religion

3-Peer group pressure

4-Role models

5- Media influence

6- Self-esteem levels

7- Education and understanding

8- Person and family finances

9- Genetic inheritance (including predisposition)

10- Mental health and illness

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3 concerns of recreational drug use

1- The increasing

levels of consumption as addiction takes hold

2- The unknown composition of the drugs been sold illegally

3- The trend of experimenting with drugs at young age, may

cause future mental health problems

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3 intellectual aspects of health and wellbeing

1- Improved concentration

2- The ability to learn

3 - Clearer thinking

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3 intellectual effects of an unhealthy lifestyle

1- Reduced potential success in education- poor attendance at school or an inbalanced diet

2- Negative impact on long-term career prospects- illness, limited mobility or physical fitness

3- Inability to think clearly

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3 Long term effects of STIs

1- Infertility

2- Mentail illness

3- Death

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3 Physical effect of drugs

1- Accidental death

2-Illness and disease

3- Impaired judgement leading to accident/injury/unsafe sexual practice

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3 social aspects of health and wellbeing

1- Imprpoved quality of social life

2- Closer friendshsips

3- Extended patterns of social relationships

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2 effects of Unsafe sexual practice

1- Unwanted pregnancy

2- Contraction and spreading of sexually transmitted infection (STI)

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2 emotional and social effects of drugs

1- Dependence

2- Mental health problems

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Types of people alcohol affects differently

Smaller people, dehydrated people, women (because of their size and having

more fat on their bodies), hungry people and less regular drinkers

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What are SMART targets?

S- Specific

M- Measurable

A- Achieveable

R- Realistic

T- Time related

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What 7 factors about our work affect our health an

1- Manual/non-manual- manual work is physically hard, but can aid physical fitness. Non-manual work can be sendentary and lead to loss of physical fitness.

2- Job satisfaction- routine jobs can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction, whilst varied and stimulating work can be satisfying and interesting.

3- Career success

4- Mental stimulation

5- Support from colleagues and employers

6- Work/life balance

7- Level of conflict

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What 6 factors about our home affect our health an

1- The type of home accomodation- terraced house

2- The condition of the home environment - damp, dirty

3- Location- pollution, noise and light

4- The amount of personal space- sharing a room with siblings

5- The influence of partners and family- the affect of living with other people

6- Level of conflict- poor housing condition- resentment, stress

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Questions/Definitions (1)

What types of support are there? Listening, empathy, encouragment or advice and guidance

When should we be physically active? Everyday

When should we take aerobic cardiovascular exercise?: Between three and five times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes

WHO Health and wellbeing definition: A complete state of physical, mentor and social wellbeing and not just the absence of disease

What causes alcohol dependence ?: Binge drinking and alcohol abuse

What does the brain do whilst the person is asleep ?: The brain oversees a wide variety of biological maintenance tasks, e.g. releasing hormones

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Questions/Definitions (2)

Types of people alcohol affects differently: Smaller people, dehydrated people, women (because of their size and having more fat on their bodies), hungry people and less regular drinkers

55. Underage drinking: Underage children drinking alcohol due to easy availability of alcohol. low prices of alcohol and peer pressure

56. Ways to follow a health improvement plan: having support, a time commitment, access to professional advice, motivation, identifying and managing difficulties

57. Weekly limits for alcohol consumption for men: No more than 21 units of alcohol per a week, no more than four units in any day, at least two alcohol-free days a week

58. Weekly limits for alcohol consumption for pregnant women: Are advised not to drink alcohol, if they do drink no more than one or two units of alchol twice a week and they should not get drunk

59. Weekly limits for alcohol consumption for women: No more than 14 units of alcohol per a week, no more than three units in any day, at least two alcohol-free days a week

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Questions/Definitions (3)

Social: to do with interacting with other people

Stamina (or endurance): the heart's ability to work under strain

Strength: the body's physical power 

Suppleness (or flexibility): the body's ability to bend without damage

Targets: short- and longer- term challenges to help meet your goal

Nutrient: the components of food that provide essential nutrition

Peer group: The social group a person belongs to which influences beliefs and behaviour

Physical: To do with the body

Physical effect of poor hygiene: Contracting and spreading diseases, especially to vulnerable groups such as babies and older people.

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Questions/Definitions (4)

Predisposition: A tendency to suffer from a particular condition, e.g. inheriting and developing diabetes as an adult

Safe sexual practice: Includes the use of contraception and participation in sexual health screening

Intellectual: to do with the ability to understand things and think intelligently

Negatives of not doing exercise: Stiffening of the joints, Poor stamina, strength and suppleness, Obesity, Heart disease

Goals: what you want to achieve in the long term; the final outcome

Holistic: consideration of the whole person

Empathy: The ability understand and share feeling of another

Emotional: to do with feelings

Emotional and social effects of poor hygiene: The loss of friends, social isolation, bullying and unemployment.

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this was really helpful until I got to slide 5 its completely incorrect i'm guessing its just an error you looked over though x thanks anyways



Oh, I see what you mean! sorry that's an error on my behalf! will fix asap, thanks for the feedback!

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