Unit 6 LO4

  • Created by: abbiedye
  • Created on: 12-12-19 11:58

Why is putting the individual at the centre of the

- individual's opportunity to discuss whether the goals have been achieved through the care or if they have changed so the plan may need to be altered

- essential for them to play a major role as only they know what works and doesn't work for them

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Why is it important that the review meeting builds

- everyone involved should share information regarding what is working and what is not

- will provide as full a picture as possible

- collaborative approach means there is an open forum for opinions, suggestions and information to meet the set outcomes

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Why is it important that a review meeting generate

- if areas are found not to be working, something must be done to rectify the issue

- should be in the form of an updated support plan

- documents the next steps toward achieving the revised or new goals

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What is the purpose of review meetings?

could be arranged to:

  • meet changing needs
  • review the budget
  • ensure care relationships are effective
  • review the person-centred description

- if the needs of the individual change, the budget will need reviewing and care relationships may become ineffective

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Why is understanding the role of the facilitator a

- facilitator supports the individual and considers them to be at the centre of the meeting

focus on the individual by asking:

  • what are these person's strengths and capabilities?
  • what can we do to help this individual achieve their objectives?
  • what is important now for this person?
  • what is important for this person in the future?
  • what is working/not working from this person's perspective?
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What is the role of the facilitator?

  • invites contribution from the people at the meeting
  • helps the group compare and explore their perspectives, seeing the individual in a different way
  • assists the group in agreeing a common direction based on what they learn
  • checks with the individual that they are happy with they way the review is going
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How can the individual be made to feel comfortable

- giving them a choice over the people present at the meeting

- can invite whoever they wish so the meeting brings together the most supportive people

- timing and location should be the choice of the individual

- should be at a convenient, accessible place for all with suitable timing

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What person-centred tools should be used during th

  • MAPS (making action plans)
  • PATH (planning alternative tomorrows with hope)
  • Essential Lifestyle Planning
  • Personal Futures Planning
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What are MAPS (making action plans)?

- planning tool that builds on a shared commitment to support individual to move towards positive future

stages drawn from areas of their life:

  • what is their history?
  • what are their dreams?
  • what are their nightmares?
  • what are their strengths, talents and capactities?
  • what are their needs?

- should result in an action plan to meet their wishes

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What is PATH (planning alternative tomorrows with

- aims to idenitify the individuals hopes/dreams/goals and what it would entail to achieve these

several stages:

  • create a picture of where they want to be
  • identify the goals
  • first steps to meeting the goals
  • people who will help reach the goals
  • recognise ways of building strength
  • action plan for interim goals
  • longer term plan
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What is Essential Lifestyle Planning?

- focus on the individual's life now and how it can be enhanced

- recognises what is important and what support is needed

seven tools:

  • doughnut chart
  • relationship circle
  • communication chart
  • sorting importance to/for an individual
  • matching staff
  • learning log
  • what's working/what's not
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What is Personal Futures Planning?

- detailed plan developed for an individual with complex support needs

- starts with their current situation and focuses on changes for the future

- way of mapping out how individual will be included in community, highlighting changes to be made within the community to facilitate inclusion

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Why is asking appropriate questions important in r

- to find out if the support plan is working

asked the questions:

  • what is important to you now?
  • what will be important to you in your future?
  • what do you need to stay healthy, safe and well supported?
  • what is working and not working from different perspectives?

- allows issues and concerns to be addressed early so less chance of escalation

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Why is reviewing the budget important when conduct

- necessary to keep an individual's support needs under scrutiny

- ensure that these needs are successfully being met by the agreed budget

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Why is generating actions important in a review me

- issues picked up will have an action plan with specific deadlines

- individual concerned about lack of inclusion in community will have issues targeted

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