Types of reproduction

About type of Reproduction.


Types Of Reproduction (1)

sexual reproduction involves fusion of gametes and mixes the genetic information which causes variation

asexual reproduction doesn't involve cell fusion and therefore there is no variation as all the genetic information comes from one parent. these are clones

clones are genetically identical individuals

in animals, the male sex cells are sperm

in animals, the male sex organs are testes

in animals, the female sex cells are eggs

in animals, the female sex organs are ovaries

egg+sperm->fertilisation-> fertilised egg or zygote produced which then divides into a ball of cells= embryo.

in plants, the male sex cells are pollen

in plants, the male sex organs are the anthers

in plants, the female sex cells are the ovules

in plants, the female sex organs are the ovaries

pollination- insects or wind transfer pollen from one flower, to the stigma of another flower

the nucleus of a pollen grain + nucleus of an ovule -> fertilisation

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