Types of Family

  • Created by: ahooper
  • Created on: 31-10-17 17:36

Nuclear Family

This is a family unit consisting of two adults and any number of children living together. The children might be biological, step or adopted.

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Exteneded Family

This is grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, either all living nearby or within the same household, eg if a married couple lives with either the husband or wife's parents, the family changes from a nuclear to extended household.

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Reconstituted family

This is also known as a 'step family'. A family where one or both adults have children from previous relationships living with them.

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Single parent family

This consists of a parent not living with a partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities for raising the children. The children will live with this single parent for the majority of the time but may still have contact with their other parent.

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Same-sex family

Same-sex couples cannot concieve together, so their children may be adopted or be the biological children of one member of the couple. They may also be from a sperm donor or a birth mother.

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