Theories 15/6/18


Greiner's model of growth


Direction - Crisis of Leadership

Delegation - Crisis of Autonomy

Coordiantion - Crisis of Control

Collabortation - Crisis of Red-Tape

Alliances - Crisis of Growth

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Porter's Generic Strategies

A broad market where costs give a competitive advatange = cost leadership

A narrow market where costs give a competitive advantage = cost focus

A broad market where differentation gives a competitive advantage = differenation leadership

A narrow market where differentation gives a competitive advantage = differentation focus

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Tannenbaum and Schmidt continum of leadership

Tells - Leader identifies problems, and tells employees the solution

Sells - Leader still makes decisions, but persuades employees who resist

Consults - Leader identifies the problem, then asks for advice of the group

Joins - Leaders identifies the problem, and hands it to the group so they come out with outcome.

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