Anti Communist Propaganda 1946 - 1948


Background Info

1946 - 1947: Communism insisted they play a role in government even though they hadn't won any elections.

The USSR and Communism gained respect in Europe as they helped defeat the Nazis.

The Italian Communist party had more than 1 million members.

There were Communist ministers in British and French governments.

After WW2; a lot of povert, people desperate for jobs.

Communism promised a job which appealed to people.

Communism gave people a jump start for jobs and income.

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The Long Telegram and The Iron Curtain Speech

Date: Feb 1946

  • US ambassador in Moscow sent a secret message to Truman.
  • It said that Stalin wanted to destroy Capitalism.
  • Due to this Truman believed that they would never be at peace with the USSR if it opposed Capitalism.

Date: March 1946

  • Churchill made a speech about Soviet influence.
  • He said that Communist parties had been raised to believe that they were superior and wanted power far beyond their numbers.
  • This speech was supported by the US government.
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The Truman Doctrine and The Marshall Plan

Date: March 1947

  • America will replace Britain when helping Greece.
  • The USA will loan Greece money.
  • They would send troops to Greece.
  • An anti-Communist statement.

Date: April 1948

  • The USA will offer money and goods to any country in Europe (even ones occupied by the USSR).
  • $13 billion involved.
  • An anti-Communist statement.
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