The design argument


The design argument

Telos – End/ Purpose in Greek.

A posteriori- Based on evidence.

The Universe shows evidence of design   and purpose; therefore, it must have been the work of a Creator.

“With such signs of forethought in the design of living creatures, can you doubt they are the work of choice or design?”

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®    Medieval Philosopher.

®    Used for of teleological argument in fifth of his five ways.

“Now whatever lacks knowledge cannot move towards an end, unless it is being directed by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence”


®    Natural Theology 1802.

®    Use of Watch analogy to demonstrate DESIGN QUA REGULARITY.

“That it’s several parts are framed together and put together for a purpose?”

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Arthur Brown:

®    ‘Footprints of God’ (1943)

®    Ozone Layer as evidence for design.

“A wall which prevents death to every living thing, just the right thickness and exactly the correct defence gives evidence of a plan”

F R Tennant:

®    Anthropic Principle

®    Aesthetic Principle

“The forcibleness of nature’s suggestion that she is the outcome of intelligent design”

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Toys in the cupboard analogy

®    Sheer complexity of universe means it can’t’ have just happened.

®    Employs the principle of Ockham’s Razor; “Do not multiply causes or reasons or being unnecessarily”

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David Hume:

®   Humans do not have sufficient knowledge or experience of the creation of the universe to conclude that there is only one designer.

“This world for all he knows, is very faulty and imperfect… some infant deity who afterwards abandoned it

J S Mill:

®    Evil and suffering in the world- reference to the inconsistent triad (MACKIE)

®    Epicurean Hypothesis; the universe consisted of particles in motion that evolved into an ordered system.

“If the maker of the world can do all that he will, he wills misery and there is no escaping that conclusion”

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®    Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.

®    Darwin offered a mechanical explanation for the development of life on Earth, without reference to a metaphysical being.

“Under such circumstances the swiftest and slimmest wolves would have the best of surviving”


®    Supported Darwin but rejected God.

®    Natural selection that led to misinterpretation of God.

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®    Kant argued that the universe may be in chaos- yet we interpret it as ordered.

®    We impose design on ourselves and cannot be certain of the reality of the situation.

McPherson (supporting Kant)-  “How can we talk sensibly of the existence of the world independent of order when to talk at all is to impose order?”

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